
Zhou, Z.L. 2024. Categorical and non-categorical perception of marginal phonemes. PhD dissertation. UCLA, California.

Minkova, Donka  Z.L. Zhou. 2023. Nominal compounds in OE meter and prosody. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 35.

Minkova, Donka  Z.L. Zhou. 2022. Early metrical and lexicographical evidence for functional stress-shifts. English Language & Linguistics 26.

Sundara, Megha, Z.L. Zhou, Canaan Breiss, Hironori Katsuda,  Jeremy Steffman. 2022. Infants' developing sensitivity to native language phonotactics: A meta-analysis. Cognition 221.

Zhou, Z.L.  Byron Ahn. 2019. Is this in the phonology? Examining the intonational phonetics-phonology interface with American English polar questions. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 19.

Gasser, Emily, Byron Ahn, Donna Jo Napoli,  Z.L. Zhou. 2019. Production, perception, and communicative goals of American newscaster speech. Language in Society 48(2):233–259.

Zhou, Z.L. 2015. Historical phonology should be conducted with a basis in phonetics. Undergraduate thesis. Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania.

Bumford, Dylan, Claire Moore-Cantwell, Jessica Rett,  Z.L. Zhou. 2021. Linguistics Department Climate Report. Report.

Zhou, Z.L.,  Canaan Breiss. 2021. Towards substantively biased typology: Effects of environment on P-map biases. Poster at LSA2021.

Faytak, Matthew, Jacob Aziz, Phillip Barnett, Jinyoung Jo, Jennifer Kuo, G. Teixeira, Joy Wu, Z.L. Zhou,  Pat Keating. 2019. Flap articulation and lowered fourth formant. Poster at ASA178. San Diego.

Ahn, Byron  Z.L. Zhou. 2018. Spurious pitch movements in American English polar question. Poster at ETAP4. UMass, Amherst.

Zhou, Z.L. 2016. Towards an articulatory understanding of historical phonology. Slides from a talk given at ULC@H13 and HULLS6. Harvard University and Hunter College.


Segmenter, a Praatscript which chops up transcribed sound files and textgrids in preparation for forced alignment.

Opener, a Praatscript which opens many files all at once, now with string matching!

IPA, an AutoHotkey script which allows you to natively type IPA with the help of mnemonics. AutoHotkey can be dowloaded for Windows only here.

Wordgen, a customizable random word generator designed for production practice.

Montreal Forced Aligner tutorial (requires Jupyter notebook).